The Future of Chicken: Adapting to Generation Z’s Expectations by 2035

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By 2035, Generation Z will dominate the consumer market, especially in the food industry. As primary purchasers of protein, their preferences and expectations will significantly impact how chicken is raised, processed, and marketed. Are you ready to adapt?

Understanding Generation Z

Generation Z, those born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is characterized by their digital nativeness, health consciousness, and strong values regarding sustainability and ethical consumption. They have grown up with instant access to information and are adept at using technology to make informed decisions. This generation values transparency, authenticity, and social responsibility, making them distinct from previous generations.

Raising Chicken: The Shift Towards Sustainability

One of the foremost concerns for Generation Z is sustainability. They are acutely aware of the environmental impact of food production and prefer products that are sustainably sourced. For chicken producers, this means implementing practices that minimize environmental footprints.

1. **Sustainable Farming Practices**: Adopting methods such as rotational grazing, using renewable energy sources, and reducing water usage can appeal to this eco-conscious generation. Organic and free-range farming, which promote animal welfare, are also likely to be in high demand.

2. **Reduced Antibiotic Use**: Generation Z is wary of antibiotic use in animal farming due to concerns about health impacts and antibiotic resistance. Producers will need to minimize or eliminate antibiotics, turning to alternative health management practices.

Processing Chicken: Prioritizing Health and Transparency

Health is a major priority for Generation Z. They seek out products that are not only nutritious but also free from harmful additives.

1. **Natural and Clean Labels**: This generation favors products with clean labels, meaning minimal, recognizable ingredients without artificial additives. Clear labeling that communicates the absence of hormones and antibiotics is crucial.

2. **Innovative Processing Techniques**: Techniques that preserve the nutritional value of chicken while ensuring food safety will be important. Methods such as high-pressure processing (HPP) can meet these needs by eliminating pathogens without the use of chemicals.

3. **Transparency in the Supply Chain**: Generation Z expects transparency in the entire supply chain. Implementing blockchain technology can provide traceability, allowing consumers to see where their food comes from and how it is processed.

Marketing Chicken: Building Trust and Engagement

Marketing to Generation Z requires an approach that builds trust and fosters engagement. Traditional marketing methods are less effective with this demographic, which values authenticity and interaction.

1. **Digital and Social Media Presence**: With a preference for digital platforms, Generation Z expects brands to have a strong online presence. Utilizing social media for marketing allows for direct engagement. Content that tells the story behind the product, showcases sustainable practices, and involves user-generated content can resonate well.

2. **Influencer Partnerships**: Collaborating with influencers who align with the values of Generation Z can help in authentically reaching this audience. Influencers can provide credible endorsements and create a connection with consumers.

3. **Interactive and Personalized Marketing**: Generation Z appreciates interactive content and personalized experiences. Marketing strategies could include virtual farm tours, interactive cooking tutorials, and personalized recipe suggestions based on purchase history or preferences.

4. **Community and Cause Marketing**: This generation supports brands that are socially responsible and contribute to the community. Marketing campaigns that highlight charitable activities, support for local farmers, or initiatives to reduce food waste can build a positive brand image.

Preparing for the Future

To successfully cater to Generation Z by 2035, chicken producers, processors, and marketers need to start making strategic changes now.

1. **Investment in Technology**:

Investing in technologies that improve sustainability, health standards, and transparency will be crucial. This includes renewable energy sources for farming, advanced processing techniques, and blockchain for supply chain transparency.

2. **Employee Training and Development**: Training employees on the importance of sustainable practices and the use of new technologies will be necessary. This ensures that everyone in the supply chain understands and can implement the changes required to meet Generation Z’s expectations.

3. **Consumer Education**:

Educating consumers about the efforts made to ensure sustainability and health in chicken production can build trust and loyalty. Transparent communication through various channels about farming practices, processing methods, and product benefits is essential.

4. **Continuous Research and Adaptation**:

Staying ahead of consumer trends through continuous research and adapting practices accordingly will help in meeting the evolving expectations of Generation Z. This includes keeping an eye on emerging technologies, health trends, and environmental concerns.


The influence of Generation Z as primary purchasers of protein by 2035 will drive significant changes in the chicken industry. Producers, processors, and marketers who proactively adapt to their preferences for sustainability, health, and transparency will be well-positioned to succeed. Embracing new technologies, engaging authentically through digital platforms, and committing to ethical practices are key steps in preparing for this shift. Are you ready to meet the challenge and seize the opportunity?


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